
Why bother having an Enduring Power of Attorney?

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

Having an Enduring Power of Attorney (EDU) in place is becoming more important now that we are all living longer and as a consequence the incidences of dementia and/or Alzheimer’s Disease is becoming more common. Both spouses and/or single people should have an EDU.

How to make an EDU

Get to a Solicitor. Ask the Solicitor what fees may attach to this service. The Solicitor will then take you through the four step process.

Step 1: You are asked to nominate a person to whom you wish to give the EDU and the Solicitor will then take you through a list of powers which you wish to evolve to the nominee.

Step 2: …

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Importance of Making and Updating Our Wills

Surveys show that most of us are less than careful when it comes to ensuring that we take care of those who will be left behind when we pass on to the next life.

Many people are reluctant to make a Will. If you fail to make a Will then your descendants will pay a large share of your estate in surplus tax as a result of you dying intestate and settling your financial affairs will take a lot longer. A Will helps identify your resources and ensures that your property passes to the people of your choice and helps avoid family issues..When you have made your Will you should review it approximately every five to seven years.

How to …

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Nutrition is an important part of healthy living post-retirement

Healthy Eating in Retirement

[This is a guest post by Consultant Dietitian Gillian McConnell]

Many factors are important for a healthy retirement – staying physically active, maintaining close relationships and pursuing personal goals. However, one factor is vital to make the others all possible: a healthy diet. Without considering healthy eating, you cannot fully benefit from a rewarding and engaging retirement, and increase your risk of a range of health issues.

Challenges to good nutrition:

As people age, the amount of calories they need to consume each day reduces as the amount of good quality nutrients they need increases. This makes it difficult to ensure they’re getting all the vitamins and minerals they need each day, since you’re typically eating less. That’s …

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Water is a major element in making life on earth sustainable- we will discuss and re evaluate its importance at each and every cellular level.

Healthy Living in Retirement

Modern society faces the challenge of an ageing population. Globally, between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of adults older than 60 years is projected to double from 11% to 22%, and the number is expected to grow from 605 million to more than 2 billion.

This demographic shift will lead to a rising disease burden with profound implications for health care and practice. Evidence suggests that adopting and adhering to healthy lifestyles in middle or older age can reduce risks for chronic disease and mortality. Therefore, it is important to identify opportunities for lifestyle changes in middle to older age to promote healthy ageing.…

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Why Employers Should Provide Retirement Planning for Employees?

Work practices in developed countries have changed significantly in the past two decades, with many workers now changing jobs every 7 to 10 years. As regards the current cohort of the population in the 50 plus age sector, the average working life of these individuals whom we now meet on our retirement courses ranges from 42 to 50 years of working life-service. In many cases this involves at least 2/3 of this time or an average of 30 years will be provided as working service by most employees.

The question for employers here is whether they have a social and moral obligation to repay that loyalty to their organisation by helping those approaching retirement to prepare for such an important …

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What Retirees Should Know About State Entitlements

The key information sources are though leaflets which are available on-line from or at Social Protection Offices or Citizens Information Offices.

The second most important research that any employee should conduct is to seek out their Social Contributions Record to ascertain the precise details of contributions which they have been making throughout their working life.

Social Insurance Record

Your record begins when

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